A novidade foi inicialmente anunciada pelo cantor Brian Johnson, em entrevista ao site especializado em corridas de carro OversteerTV. Ele contou que o "álbum ao vivo, junto aos vídeos daqueles shows, sai em mais ou menos seis semanas. Estou ansioso para isso". Também revelou que "para depois disso, não fizemos nenhum plano ainda. Queremos somente descansar, porque ficamos na estrada por dois anos. Tocamos para cinco milhões de pessoas e merecemos um descanso".
Este será o sexto lançamento ao vivo oficial do AC/DC. O mais recente, Let There Be Rock: The Movie - Live in Paris, saiu em 1997.

As músicas do DVD ao vivo são as seguintes:
- 'Rock N' Roll Train'
- 'Hell Ain't a Bad Place to Be'
- 'Back in Black'
- 'Big Jack'
- 'Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap'
- 'Shot Down in Flames'
- 'Thunderstruck'
- 'Black Ice'
- 'The Jack'
- 'Hells Bells'
- 'Shoot to Thrill'
- 'War Machine'
- 'Dog Eat Dog'
- 'You Shook Me All Night Long'
- 'T.N.T.'
- 'Whole Lotta Rosie'
- 'Let There Be Rock'
- 'Highway to Hell'
- 'For Those About to Rock (We Salute You)'
Não perdi, e não perderia esse show em hipótese alguma, e posso confessar que na hora que apagaram a luz no estádio notou-se que quase a totalidade dos espectadores estavam com o "chifrinhos", como diria meu amigo Rogério, a tal da guampa. Foi um momento emocionante, como comentou um jornal local de São Paulo, o Morumbi parecia um disco voador. Na foto acima, minha chegada ao estádio e o momento compartilhado com os amigos Mauro e Rogério.
Gostaria de ter podido eternizar alguns momento, como quando notamos os acordes iniciais de Back in Black, pena mas não é possível. Sertamente serão momentos que ficarão marcados na memória de quem esteve lá naquele dia.
Ficamos na expectativa que saia o DVD e o Bluray, o qual já vejo que fora do Brasil existe programação para o lançamento simultâneo.
Mais novidades postarei aqui.
English Version:
The site of the weekly NME reported that AC / DC will launch in about six weeks, a live album and DVD with the recording of three Australian concerts the band performed at the stadium of River Plate, Argentina. Each of these presentations took place in front of over 60,000 people in December 2009 during the same tour that went to Brazil.
The news was initially announced by singer Brian Johnson, told the website that specializes in car racing OversteerTV. He said the "live album, along with videos of those shows, comes out in about six weeks. I look forward to that." It also revealed that "for after this, made no plan yet. We just want to rest, because we are on the road for two years. We played for five million people and deserve a rest."
This will be the sixth official live launch of AC / DC. The latest, Let There Be Rock: The Movie - Live in Paris, came out in 1997.
The songs from the live DVD are:
1. 'Rock N' Roll Train '
2. 'Hell Is not a Bad Place to Be'
3. 'Back in Black'
4. 'Big Jack'
5. 'Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap'
6. 'Shot Down in Flames'
7. Thunderstruck
8. 'Black Ice'
9. 'The Jack'
10. 'Hells Bells'
11. 'Shoot to Thrill'
12. 'War Machine'
13. 'Dog Eat Dog'
14. 'You Shook Me All Night Long'
15. 'T.N.T.'
16. 'Whole Lotta Rosie'
17. 'Let There Be Rock'
18. 'Highway to Hell'
19. 'For Those About to Rock (We Salute You)'
Well, modesty aside, the band lost a unique opportunity not to have recorded part of the show which was held here in Brazil, at the Morumbi stadium.
Not lost, and not miss this show under any circumstances, and I confess that in time we turned off the lights in the stadium it was noted that almost all the spectators were with the "horns" as my friend Roger would play, that Guampa . It was an exciting time, as commented a local newspaper in Sao Paulo, Morumbi looked like a flying saucer. In the photo above, my arrival at the stadium and when shared with friends and Rogério Mauro.
I wish he could have perpetuated some time, as we noted when the initial chords of Back in Black. Other moments that will be marked in those who were there that day.
We were hoping to leave the DVD and Bluray, which I already see that outside of Brazil there is programming for simultaneous release.
More news post here.
No aguardo. Quero o meu! Vou te mandar uma foto tirada no Uruguai do anúncio desses shows na Argentina.