Bom, primeiro de tudo, é complicado achar um nome simples, que possa descrever o motivo desse blog. São milhares de blogs, sobre música, histórias e nostalgias afins. Aqui cabe o bom rock' n 'roll, mas minha "formação musical", cai mais para o Heavy Metal. Não é blog com links para Download. O objetivo é contar um pouco sobre algumas músicas, shows, bandas, e situações que sempre remetem à memória alguma boa música. Não sei com vocês, mas a música marca muito determinados momentos da minha vida, então não há como não recordá-los.
Tudo começou mesmo é escutando no vinil, na radio vitrola Tele União de meus avos. Posso dizer que o som não era da melhor qualidade, e isso me intrigava. Estava na época flertando com eletrônica, e queria botar a mão nessa radiola e descobrir o motivo da falta de médios e agudos.
Aí estava o problema, permissão para mexer naquela fantástica máquina de tocar os discos em alemão de meus avos, e que nos domingos reinava o tal "picape da frigideira". Bem, um final de semana a família se ausentou por algumas horas, era essa a oportunidade. Havia um bom falante para os sons graves, e um para os médios e algo que simulava um emissor de sons agudos. Estes últimos dois estavam desligados. Alguém os deve ter desligado, para que a danada da vitrola ficasse assim, com um som de latinha. Bem, ativei o falante médio, e com a ajuda de alguns capacitores, fiz um simples filtro para que podese ser instalado um tweeter novo. Pronto, agora a vitrola estava pronta pra rodar meus discos. Detalhe, após escutar, girava o controle e tirava todo o som agudo. Não poderia esquecer disso, senão minha adaptação seria descoberta.
Acho que até agora ninguém sabia disso.
English Version:
Well, first of all, it is difficult find a simple name that can describe the reason for this blog. There are thousands of blogs, on music, history and nostalgia related. Here lies the good rock 'n'roll, but my "musical training" falls over to the Heavy Metal. Not blog with links to downloads. The goal is to tell a little about some music, concerts, bands, and situations that always refer to memory some good music. I do not know about you, but the music brand very certain times in my life, so can not help but remember them.
It all started that is listening on vinyl, on radio "Tele União" phonograph from my grandparents. I can say that the sound was not the best quality, and this intrigued me. Was at the time flirting with electronics, and wanted to get my hands on that radiola and discover the reason for the lack of mids and highs.
Here was the problem, permission to move that fantastic machine to play the discs in my German grandparents, and on Sunday ruled that such "truck of the pan. " Well, one weekend the family went away for a few hours, this was the opportunity. There was a good speaker for the bass and the mids and one for something that simulate a transmitter treble. The latter two were disconnected. Someone must have switched off so that the damaged turntable to be like this, with a sound of tin. Well, I activated the average speaker, and with the help of some capacitors, I made a simple filter to be installed we can start a new tweeter. Okay, now the record player was ready to run my drives. Detail, after listening, turned over and took all the treble. I could not forget it, but my adaptation would be discovered.
I think that until now nobody knew it.
English Version:
Well, first of all, it is difficult find a simple name that can describe the reason for this blog. There are thousands of blogs, on music, history and nostalgia related. Here lies the good rock 'n'roll, but my "musical training" falls over to the Heavy Metal. Not blog with links to downloads. The goal is to tell a little about some music, concerts, bands, and situations that always refer to memory some good music. I do not know about you, but the music brand very certain times in my life, so can not help but remember them.
It all started that is listening on vinyl, on radio "Tele União" phonograph from my grandparents. I can say that the sound was not the best quality, and this intrigued me. Was at the time flirting with electronics, and wanted to get my hands on that radiola and discover the reason for the lack of mids and highs.
Here was the problem, permission to move that fantastic machine to play the discs in my German grandparents, and on Sunday ruled that such "truck of the pan. " Well, one weekend the family went away for a few hours, this was the opportunity. There was a good speaker for the bass and the mids and one for something that simulate a transmitter treble. The latter two were disconnected. Someone must have switched off so that the damaged turntable to be like this, with a sound of tin. Well, I activated the average speaker, and with the help of some capacitors, I made a simple filter to be installed we can start a new tweeter. Okay, now the record player was ready to run my drives. Detail, after listening, turned over and took all the treble. I could not forget it, but my adaptation would be discovered.
I think that until now nobody knew it.
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